GDPR Resources

Documents and Links to Help You Understand GDPR

GDPR . . . You’ve probably seen the acronym, but what is it? GDPR stands for General Data Protection Policy. GDPR is basically a set of rules and regulations that digitally monitors and keeps a tab on how the citizen’s data is being processed and for what pur­poses. GDPR imposes new requirements for how organizations process and maintain personal data for people residing within the European Union.

If you’re not doing business in Europe and are not collecting data on individuals within Europe such as members, customers, conference or show attendees, you’re probably not impacted by GDPR. However organizations are involved with Europe and need to be concerned with GDPR. The May 25th date for compliance is looming. Many organizations are not ready. Many organizations have a lot of questions, but don’t know where to get the information they need. We’ve compiled a list of resources that may help you. Many of the resources available are commercial in nature, but contain valuable information and you may have to sometimes sort the wheat from the chaff. Please note that inclusion on the list below does not imply any type of endorsement by CSAE, either of the companies, authors, or products that may be mentioned in the resource. If you run across any resources that you think should be added to the list, let us know.


Countdown to GDPR, Associations Now Magazine

New EU data privacy regulations with teeth — GDPR, David Carnes, Arcstone

Getting to Grips with GDPR and the Grey Areas, Interview with David Chalmers, Senior Marketing Director, Europe, Cvent

Higher Logic and the GDPR (If you’re a Higher Logic user, web page discusses what Higher Logic is doing re GDPR)

4 Data Issues to Act on Now, as GDPR Looms, Associations Now Magazine

Reports Suggest Many Organizations Aren’t Ready for GDPR, Associations Now Magazine

A Year in the Life of the GDPR: Must-Know Stats and Takeaways, Varonis


What GDPR Means for You, 4-part online course from ASAE (Go to the web page, then search for GDPR

Handbooks, Books, and Guides

Conducting Privacy Impact Assessments, Code of Practice, UK Information Commissioner’s Office

Preparing for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 12 steps to take now, UK Information Commissioner’s Office

The Event Planners Guide to GDPR Compliance, eventsforce

All You Need to Know about GDPR, Hubilo

GDPR ASAP: A Seven-Step Guide to Prepare for the General Data Protection Regulation, ObservePoint

The GDPR Most Wanted: The Marketer and Analyst’s Role in Compliance, ObservePoint




GDPR Impact Series 2018 (Research report identifying the impact of GDPR on marketers), Tealium